Om och om igen bevisar män hur lite dom tycker och tänker om kvinnor. Våra egna viljor och liv betyder ingenting i jämförelse med männens och vi ska alltid finnas till deras förfogande på två röda, oavsett vilka besvär och obehag det orsakar oss. Ännu en snubbe från Tinder visade sitt rätta jag för mig på Whatsapp i december, innan jag flög hem för att hälsa på mamma. Dock är det alltid bättre att få reda på sånt här förr istället för senare.
ENGLISH: Over and over again, men prove how little they think about women. Our own wills and lives mean nothing compared to men's, and we are always supposed to exist at their disposal, no matter the inconvenience and discomfort it may cause us. Another dude off of Tinder showed his true colours on Whatsapp in December, before I flew home to visit my mother. On the other hand, it's always better to find these things out sooner rather than later.

Han / him: "Hello hello"
Jag / me: "Hi!"
Han: How are you swede?"
Jag: "I have a cold haha but other than that I'm doing alright, thanks. You?"
Han: "Ah damn how are you gonna come see me then Emma? I'm decent thanks. Where are you located then babe?"
Jag: "Well I'm also going to see my mum in Sweden tomorrow, so if you wanna see me it won't be for another 2 weeks."
Han: "... So you just waste my time. Cheers. Another foreigner time waster. Wasted."
Jag: "Errr okay?"
Han: "I'm on a dating app to meet, believe it or not."

Han: "Not text people in different countries aimlessly."
Jag: "I have a life, believe it or not. I live in the UK. I am visiting my mum for a while because I didn't see her for xmas."
Han: "I have an important job and make more money than any man my age. But I'm still on a dating app and can make time."
Jag: "I don't care about your money. If this is your attitude then you've done me a favour by showing it sooner rather than later."
Han: No I'm giving you a taste of your own medicine, love. Just putting your excuse in contrast."
Jag: "Because I have a pre-booked holiday to see my mum? What's wrong with you."
Han: "Jesus woman. Stop making it about your mum. I'm saying you're on Tinder in London, so you should be able to potentially meet. That's it."
Jag: "Lol I'm not making a disclaimer on my Tinder every time I'm going away on holiday. And I'm not obligated to do anything."
Han: "You're obligated to please me, Emma."
Jag: "Wow no."
Han: "Lol you're the most cliché Scandinavian with no sense of humor."

Han: "Calm your tits, love, it's banter."
Han: "Emma, don't cry. Just message me when you're back. Kiss."
Efter detta skickade han några fler meddelanden där han försökte gulla med mig, som om jag skulle svara. Tillslut lyckades jag klurade ut hur jag blockerar telefonnummer i appen.
ENGLISH: After this he sent another couple messages trying to sweet-talk me, as if I'd respond. Eventually I figured out how to block phone numbers in the app.